Category Archives: Devlogs

Dreamblazers Devlog: Week of January 19, 2015

The long and short of this past week is that the pixel artist search is underway. I have Becca for environments, but I still haven’t found someone for characters (monsters included). Ideally I want to find someone who specializes in characters; I purposely look for specialists. Becca says she likes drawing environments, so that’s what I want her for. With the character designs, I asked Flora if she enjoyed those or enjoyed other types of art more; since she said she likes designs, that’s what I had her do. I always look to help people do things that they’re good at and that they enjoy.

I want to continue to uphold that standard, but I don’t know if I can. Because pixel art is such a specific medium, pixel artists are pretty rare, good ones are even more rare, good ones who draw in styles that I prefer are still more rare than that, and and good ones who draw in the style that I prefer and also aren’t backlogged from being heavily in demand are still more rare than that. This isn’t like promotional art where tens of thousands of artists for any conceivable style are available at any given moment, so even amazing ones are posting “looking for work” notices.

Hopefully I’ll find someone soon. As always, work progresses on the Unity side as well, but now it’s at the grind point instead of the regular-massive-breakthroughs point, which is why I’ve dropped the old devlog format.

Whatever the case may be in this upcoming week, the day that I’m able to show off screenshots of actual art assets instead of placeholders will be a landmark for these devlogs, so I really look forward to it. :D

Dreamblazers Devlog: Week of January 12, 2015

This is what we call an ideal past week. :D

* I went back to the basics and watched many Unity tutorials—something I should have done months ago, frankly—and picked up multiple new ideas for handling things more effectively.
* Because I went back to the basics, the camera works now!
* The collisions work better than they did before (and I figured this one out myself). Because my placeholder sprite was larger than the other sprites around it (in the vein that Final Fantasy VI‘s sprites are slightly taller than a tile), my character was occasionally being pushed around to coordinates like 15, 12.034 instead of even integers. Got that taken care of.
* I finally resolved my earlier computer issue for real this time so it doesn’t happen at all. =)
* And, totally unrelated to Dreamblazers, after three months of SolForge ladder tournaments I finally won one!

Yep. A great week!

So two core parts of the game are now functional: RPG gameplay mechanics (battle system, stats system, etc.) and most of the 2D physics. However, so far I built each component in a vacuum: the RPG gameplay operates in a 3D setting and the 2D physics operate without any of the RPG elements. Now I need to put them together and hope nothing breaks.

I’ll also be concurrently searching for pixel artists. In July 2014 I told myself that I aimed for a playable demo within a year. So far I can’t tell if I’m going to make that goal or not, but in order to have any chance, the pixel art ball has to get rolling immediately. Environments, characters, menus: the whole works.

Dreamblazers Devlog: Week of January 5, 2015

The last Metroid is in captivity. The galaxy is at peace.

And in other news, the last in the string of visiting relatives left here at 5:00 AM today and things can get back to normal. I did have time to give feedback on the initial title image sketch, which is looking really nice and will definitely pretty this site up a bit when I can use it as a background and a banner. =)

Aside from that, my issues with getting the camera to follow the character have been making me feel inept. With collision detection, I knew I wasn’t alone since searches turned up hundreds of people with the same issues, but it seems that nobody has trouble making a camera follow correctly in Unity. Of course, most people making 3D games could use Unity’s default camera; even I can get that to work, but it doesn’t handle 2D well and keeps zooming in and out on the Z plane. What baffles me more is that nobody has issues with 2D Toolkit’s camera; either they’re all great or I’m missing the obvious.

(Probably the latter at least, if not also the former. =P This is where inexperience on the programming end comes back to bite me: ORK Framework is a genius piece of software that even I can make great things with, but 2D Toolkit is a genius piece of software that demands more of its users.)

Back to tinkering it is!

Dreamblazers Devlog: Week of December 29, 2014

The end of an amazing ride of a year is here and what can I say about it? I’m half-inclined to write a recap post or an overview of where I’m at, but I just did that last month. I also don’t have much to report on progress since it’s been a busy Christmas period on the family front. However, I do have this…

Character Profiles Second Draft

While it’s still not totally complete, creating it made me realize how little I’ve written on this site about so many aspects of Dreamblazers, like worldbuilding and even what a character’s stats mean. I’ll name a few take-home points based on this image:

*A character’s species has no effect on her stats and only affects equipment options for winged characters. Elves have historically been the dominant species, but heritages have become very mixed over time and half-elves are most common at the game’s point of time in its universe.

* Sylphs and the falician can have different types of wings within their own species. Both can produce offspring with elves, half-elves, and norians via magic, but the falician are much more desirable; half-sylphs like Ardis can’t shrink themselves enough to fit perfectly in a sylph village nor can they grow enough to imitate the height of even a falician.

*Berry is a bio-being and one might wonder why she’d be classified as that or how it would be different from any other character. To that I say: I’ll leave that unexplained for now as a teaser! One thing I’ll explain, since I said I would, is that her clothes are designed by Jig and Jelia. Jelia’s pretty active on the designer front, by the way: she also made Tango’s kilt!

* One might notice a general lack of armor in these character designs and there’s a very simple reason for that: the characters don’t need it. They all have super strength, are made of water, are made of plasma, are angels, or for some other reason don’t need armor, so whenever it’s around it’s mostly ceremonial. That’s also why Telia can have a diamond axe without being too powerful! One exception to this armor situation is Leaf, whose coreplate is indestructible, but looks aren’t everything: the adamanvine armlet on Celty’s arm is also indestructible and so are Hikaru’s bracelets. (“What’s a coreplate?” one might ask. “And what’s an ‘adamanvine’?” I’ll leave those as more teasers!)

* The gold flower symbol worn on Mina’s armband is the symbol of the Empire, but the red flower symbol shown on Mina, Lash, and Faray indicates a special status for them. Mina’s uniform is a standardized Imperial uniform for mage-class fighters; physical fighters have full-length pants instead because they don’t need as much exposure to the mana flow. (I continue rolling out all sorts of lore just as a sidebar!) Evelyn and Sakura are also members of the Empire, so they often wear the uniforms too, but since the uniform only needed to be designed once, they’re shown in their civilian clothes.

* Like in Magic: the Gathering, I’ve loosely grouped mana affinities by color, but I’ve also broken them up by shade. Pure magic is purple, Light magic is white, Life is light green, Genesis is deep green, Fire is red, Wind is light yellow, Lightning is deep yellow, Cold is light blue, Water is mid blue, and Wave is deep blue. Most characters can only use two colors, but might have access to multiple shades. As another thing that’s like Magic (or Pokémon for that matter), certain colors are more likely to pair up than others. Any shade is likely to pair up with another shade of its color (such as light yellow and deep yellow) and other common pairs include blue-white, blue-yellow, green-white, and red-yellow. Uncommon pairs include blue-red, green-red, and red-white. Just as a Fire/Ice Pokémon would seem unusual, Ardis’ ability to use Fire and Cold magic surprises others.

* There are two types of stats: primary stats and secondary stats The primaries are HP, Speed, Power, Magic Power, Defense, and Magic Defense. Like in Pokémon, a score of 80-90 is passable, 91-100 is good, 101-120 is very good, and 121+ is great. (And yes, I’ll have to make bar graphs and such to show all of this visually at some point.) The secondary stats are Skill, Evasion, Spirit, Energy, Luck, and Charm. Of these, Skill, Evasion, and Charm are on a similar curve as the primary stats, but slightly lower. For Spirit, Energy, and Luck, the numbers tend to be much lower on average; anything at 70 or above is excellent.

* But what do all these stats do anyway? HP is your basic life total, Speed controls turn order, Power and Magic Power determine the strength of your physical and magic attacks, and Defense and Magic Defense offset the strength of enemy attacks.

As for the other stats, I call them “Secondary” because I don’t want players to worry too much about them; they’re fairly complicated. For the sake of completion, though… Health regeneration is based on Spirit, move usage regeneration is based on Energy, and critical hit rate is based on Luck. Resistance to physical status effects is based on a combination of Spirit and Charm. Resistance to magic status effects comes from Energy and Charm. Hit rate is based on Skill, Charm, and Luck in that order of importance; dodge rate is based on Evasion, Luck, and Charm. Damage done by energy-based attacks depends on Spirit and Energy as well as some of the primary stats. Skill and Evasion give minor boosts to attack power and defense respectively (both physical and magical). And, finally, Spirit and Energy contribute to a pretty novel battle mechanic I have that only kicks in during certain boss battles… Another teaser.

Well… I suppose that’s enough for now!

Dreamblazers Devlog: Week of December 22, 2014

Just a small update during Christmas week!

Character Profiles Initial Draft - 14 Characters

There are more characters to come in this group profile mega-picture as well as more information on each one, like height, species, and weapon type. I’ll also probably have a second picture that doesn’t have the stats or lines but includes relationships, since they’re grouped very specifically: for example, the right two columns in the current picture are members of the Avenging Angels, the middle three columns are a group of friends from the same area, the bottom middle three are local or national peacekeepers, the bottom row minus Hikaru is fairly naive, and the entire top row is filled with glory seekers. Also, in Dungeons & Dragons terms, I’d loosely group these as left being neutral good, middle being lawful good, and right being chaotic good.

Do note: these characters definitely aren’t to scale, we didn’t bother with weapons after the first two for time reasons, and (though it won’t become apparent until the final version of this picture) ears are occasionally off because I forgot to mention someone was an elf. Still, it’s nice lining every character up like this!

As I was putting this together, I found out the hard way how desynced a lot of my data is; sometimes I make a character stronger in Unity or in a spreadsheet but forget to update the other one, so I’ve had to get all of that squared away. The stats themselves are also subject to change as I make progress, of course, but at least for now these are the most up-to-date ones. It’s highly unlikely that any characters will become weaker, though, and only a select few have a hope of becoming stronger. Not that stats are everything anyway! Evelyn’s stats are some of the lowest here, but her combat tricks far surpass everybody else’s.

As for the remaining characters… simply wait and see!